Friday, July 25, 2003


One positive,
one negative,
my lips are by physics shut,
and though magnetic, still permeable

Like paper clips, words tinged upon my lips,
magnetized when clinging lastly,
hovering a gap vast be-
tween two poles.

So that no word may divide
but be either
and yet neither
no middle ground to land on

I am blind to the
charge they take,
and if they forsake
my own constant current

Do not make me mute,
for I will overcome
and force undone
the pain a silence fakes me.

Sometimes I run out of sentences and have to speak in fragments. That's my blog tonight, since I think it will make more sense than any sentence could attempt tonight. It's not a sad poem, and it's not a happy poem. Contemplative. Just a few words on something I will never stray from.

At laura's again! I am just a travelin woman. This time with lindsey, laura, AND becca! crazy!

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Wahoo!! Crazy crazy day. Spent the night at Laura's last night with Lindsey. So much fun; we are crazy girls. It was good to hang out with the both of them again (we are never all together at the same time).

Athens in less than two weeks. Crazy.

Ok it's lunchtime and I am really excited about a lot of stuff but I don't feel like writing about but just know that I am excited. :) Go dawgs, the end.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Late night update blog: I am addicted to Felicity. The TV show. She and I are very similar... minus a couple of key things. One of which happens to be that she lives in New York, where I will one day locate myself (for minimum of two weeks). That detail, however, is not the biggest difference.

On the show it always seems to be really cold. I imagine New York isn't always cold... is it? Like, August to May? Obviously the Winter part. They always wear sweaters. I like sweaters, sure. Every day though, I think they're stretching it. Someone correct me....

As for choice of soundtrack. Title song could use some work, not to mention the "Full House family moment" music everytime they arent in love with each other. Piano- good choice, but if you are going to choose a melody with only two notes, do not play it repeatedly. Nor should you play a short two-note melody. Because it's inevitable that you would run out of those two notes and would have to restart the little melody. ADD MORE NOTES!


Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Last day of work! Yahooo! What an awesome day. Lindsey and Laura even went to lunch with me. Completely awesome day.

Example of ridiculously good-lookin day: I was talking to some of the secretaries. By talking, I mean I was saying words in that slightly lower voice I have called my own since losing my normal Molly voice last Friday. So, Ellie is talking about me and music major stuff, saxophone blah blah, and I say something and Pat (female!!) looks straight at me and says, "Molly, I bet you sing too! Your voice- it's just made for singing!"... so apparently, I should give up the battle against germs and strive to have a constant cold. Then, and only then, will I ever make it in this world. So watch out, World, for this sneezin' sensation. See me on next season's American Idol.

Recently, I just haven't been in the mood to use the letter "g" when it comes at the end of a word. Example: sneezin' .... Why? I don't have the whole southern accent thing, and it takes just as much effort to type a g as to type the little apostrophe representing the lack of "g." It just sounds like me perhaps? And in that case, do I want to be a drop-letter kind of girl?

I'll leave you with that question, a goodnight ponder for you. Goodnight.

Monday, July 21, 2003

What a weird day! Ok, I am almost done with my work at the law firm. Finally!

The no-post yesterday was a silent protest of being sick during the summer! And our water heater broke, which is in the laundry room. And by broke, I mean water was rebelling and escaping the water heater itself; flooding the laundry room and subsequently the living room. We had an impromtu feng shui furniture rearranging session. But, I must say, with all the cleaning that has occured in the past couple of days, our den carpet looks quite nice. ;)

Ok so, my brother just got back from his college orientation. He's so old!! I, sigh, definitely called to check up on him. I know!! Stop throwing things at me. But- he's downtown, and, well, ok I would worry even if he wasn't downtown. It's just my job. When he got back he told me all about it and he had so much fun and brought me a little stuffed Buzz (which happens to be my rival!! arg!). So now I have to take it to school with me. I don't want to hear a thing about it.

You wouldn't believe how many offers I've had to borrow someone's ettiquette book! That could mean two things: 1) People really do click on the random links in profiles!! Thanks to all you bored people out there reading me! and 2) Other people know of ettiquette rules.... at least that they exist. Yay. I love the south.

One more day of getting up early, so again, early to bed. (By reading this you might actually think I was a morning person! Not so, my friends, not so! Well, sort of so, but I am more of a night person. Mornings have their perks though!)

Saturday, July 19, 2003

I really have no voice at all. When I answer my phone, people are starting to get really confused.

6th grade band camp is over! It was fun- I've never really had a chance to work with younger kids, so it was good experience... but I think if I hear "Mary had a Little Lamb" again within the next twenty-four hours, i could spontaniously combust.

My brother is at his orientation for Tech. I keep wanting to call to make sure he's ok.... must hold back.... he's pretty much as old as I am. So Sam.... one day you will realize the effort this is taking me! It's going to be weird when my brother leaves for college. I'll be in Athens by then, but still, it'll just be Mom, Dad, and Sweetie (dog) in the house. What are they gonna do? My mom is gonna go nuts without someone to worry about and organize things for. I guess that she's going to continue anyway.

Oo yay Lindsey and Erin just stopped by. Rock out. Except, I was all pyjama-y and couldn't really talk very loud. Still, its always nice to see them!!! Especially when I am sick.

Bed, I am exhausted.

Friday, July 18, 2003

I just wrote an awesome entry, and erased it accidentally. So this entry is just a remnant of its previous awesomeness. Summary: I watched a chick flic tonight, decided I like Italian as a language, confirmed that chick flics are some sort of virus (very contagious for females, symptoms include craving for chocolate and slight insomnia), spent day with 6th graders and musical instruments and a total of five musical notes- dispersed over 8 hours- to result in the loss of my voice (how many times counting from 1 to 4 does it take to kill my voice? I'm not sure what comes after 4 anymore, so the world will never know), was informed that I am the new love interest of one of aforementioned sixth graders, and completeled my night with some double stuffed oreo action (to compliment the chick flic). So, I am early to bed again tonight to meet with sixth graders again tomorrow. All I can say is that I did get a coplimentary cupcake for my 1 to 4 counting abilites... so all is well. Goodnight.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Today was third to last day at work for the lawfirm (yes, I am counting). Note to self: Do not major in anything involving copy machines or attorneys.

Tomorrow, however, is a whole different world altogether... prelude to my future (maybe). I am teaching at a band camp for 6th graders. I'll be the first person to teach them how to play a note, or even put their saxophones together. I don't see myself working as a middle school teacher. High school possibly. I am a music education major and you'd think that would mean I want to teach music. Well, just to let you know, I am confusing. Right now I don't think that's where I'll end up. The weird thing is that I have direction and motivation... but no end to the road. There's an endless list of things I want to do, but I am waiting to see how the current path is going to get me there. Also weird- I know this is exactly where I should be right now. I'm just blind to the reason.

This summer is so different from any other summer I've ever known. Lindsey and I are always hanging out. Laura's at camp. But really, I simply feel content to seek and find and learn things. That's the different part. I have no qualms with my life right now. So how does that make for an interesting blog, you ask? Oh believe me.... my life is weirder than vanilla coke.

Example one: I really enjoy being single. What sane "twenty something" girl does that? (Just for the record, I am 19. So for all of you who want to argue with me about the term, *JV*, thus ends my statement of liability.) Anyway, single is my style. I like my freedom and my friendships and the way you can really see people when you aren't seeing someone. And it's probably going to be my style until spring semester (i.e. when I don't have an 18 hour class load and Redcoats). Or longer. Or shorter. Really, I don't have it planned out. I just know that right now, it's nice.

Example two: Ok you're just gonna have to trust me on the abnormality of my life. Example Two is 95% of my daily events. My routine quotidienne. That's my favorite French word to use, by the way: the q word. Maybe Example Two can be that I have a secret desire to learn how to professionally decorate cakes. I'd make some chic ones sans the big fat icing flowers. And as long as we're talking about weird stuff I want to, I really want to read an ettiquette book. Pure curiosity of the rules. And a bit of nostalgia perhaps. I won't go on the big "what has the world come to" shpeel, it's not my thing. But when did ladies stop wearing gloves outside, and when did everyone stop wearing hats? People in the 40s knew how to dress. Props to J-Lo for bringing hats back in style.

Ok my goal for tonight was to go to bed early, and that goal is still feasable if I stop writing right now, so... bye.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I've always wanted to do this. Life goal # 12, check. Not create a blog (although I am sure that it is a valid life goal for someone out there), but to write my thoughts in a place where people may or may not read them. I chose this over the 'bathroom stall graffiti' option. So if you are reading, thanks. This will be filled with random thougts and opinions.

My promise to you, World and Unseen Public, is that you will know my name one day. I don't know when and I don't know how... but I just know I have to be something more than "college student" or "twenty-something female." Do you ever feel like that? I feel like I can't sit still. When I feel like that, I know that God is real. I know that my eyes are opened to something great that I cannot fathom, and that I cannot help but reach towards that and aspire for that greatness.

But what to do about it? I am a "twenty-something female" and I am a "college student." If they only knew...

So I suppose this entry serves as an intro and explanation to all future anecdotes and thoughts. Overture done, curtain rises...