Monday, July 21, 2003

What a weird day! Ok, I am almost done with my work at the law firm. Finally!

The no-post yesterday was a silent protest of being sick during the summer! And our water heater broke, which is in the laundry room. And by broke, I mean water was rebelling and escaping the water heater itself; flooding the laundry room and subsequently the living room. We had an impromtu feng shui furniture rearranging session. But, I must say, with all the cleaning that has occured in the past couple of days, our den carpet looks quite nice. ;)

Ok so, my brother just got back from his college orientation. He's so old!! I, sigh, definitely called to check up on him. I know!! Stop throwing things at me. But- he's downtown, and, well, ok I would worry even if he wasn't downtown. It's just my job. When he got back he told me all about it and he had so much fun and brought me a little stuffed Buzz (which happens to be my rival!! arg!). So now I have to take it to school with me. I don't want to hear a thing about it.

You wouldn't believe how many offers I've had to borrow someone's ettiquette book! That could mean two things: 1) People really do click on the random links in profiles!! Thanks to all you bored people out there reading me! and 2) Other people know of ettiquette rules.... at least that they exist. Yay. I love the south.

One more day of getting up early, so again, early to bed. (By reading this you might actually think I was a morning person! Not so, my friends, not so! Well, sort of so, but I am more of a night person. Mornings have their perks though!)


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