Thursday, July 17, 2003

Today was third to last day at work for the lawfirm (yes, I am counting). Note to self: Do not major in anything involving copy machines or attorneys.

Tomorrow, however, is a whole different world altogether... prelude to my future (maybe). I am teaching at a band camp for 6th graders. I'll be the first person to teach them how to play a note, or even put their saxophones together. I don't see myself working as a middle school teacher. High school possibly. I am a music education major and you'd think that would mean I want to teach music. Well, just to let you know, I am confusing. Right now I don't think that's where I'll end up. The weird thing is that I have direction and motivation... but no end to the road. There's an endless list of things I want to do, but I am waiting to see how the current path is going to get me there. Also weird- I know this is exactly where I should be right now. I'm just blind to the reason.

This summer is so different from any other summer I've ever known. Lindsey and I are always hanging out. Laura's at camp. But really, I simply feel content to seek and find and learn things. That's the different part. I have no qualms with my life right now. So how does that make for an interesting blog, you ask? Oh believe me.... my life is weirder than vanilla coke.

Example one: I really enjoy being single. What sane "twenty something" girl does that? (Just for the record, I am 19. So for all of you who want to argue with me about the term, *JV*, thus ends my statement of liability.) Anyway, single is my style. I like my freedom and my friendships and the way you can really see people when you aren't seeing someone. And it's probably going to be my style until spring semester (i.e. when I don't have an 18 hour class load and Redcoats). Or longer. Or shorter. Really, I don't have it planned out. I just know that right now, it's nice.

Example two: Ok you're just gonna have to trust me on the abnormality of my life. Example Two is 95% of my daily events. My routine quotidienne. That's my favorite French word to use, by the way: the q word. Maybe Example Two can be that I have a secret desire to learn how to professionally decorate cakes. I'd make some chic ones sans the big fat icing flowers. And as long as we're talking about weird stuff I want to, I really want to read an ettiquette book. Pure curiosity of the rules. And a bit of nostalgia perhaps. I won't go on the big "what has the world come to" shpeel, it's not my thing. But when did ladies stop wearing gloves outside, and when did everyone stop wearing hats? People in the 40s knew how to dress. Props to J-Lo for bringing hats back in style.

Ok my goal for tonight was to go to bed early, and that goal is still feasable if I stop writing right now, so... bye.


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