I've always wanted to do this. Life goal # 12, check. Not create a blog (although I am sure that it is a valid life goal for someone out there), but to write my thoughts in a place where people may or may not read them. I chose this over the 'bathroom stall graffiti' option. So if you are reading, thanks. This will be filled with random thougts and opinions.
My promise to you, World and Unseen Public, is that you will know my name one day. I don't know when and I don't know how... but I just know I have to be something more than "college student" or "twenty-something female." Do you ever feel like that? I feel like I can't sit still. When I feel like that, I know that God is real. I know that my eyes are opened to something great that I cannot fathom, and that I cannot help but reach towards that and aspire for that greatness.
But what to do about it? I am a "twenty-something female" and I am a "college student." If they only knew...
So I suppose this entry serves as an intro and explanation to all future anecdotes and thoughts. Overture done, curtain rises...
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