Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Me and Michael... Scared?

Me and Michael... Scared?
Originally uploaded by frogz123.

Me and my goofy friend Michael being really scared on the Eiffel tower. I suppose that the only really scary thing here is the way his head is cut off in the picture. Oops!! Sorry Michael!

Shadow of the Eiffel Tower

Shadow of the Eiffel Tower
Originally uploaded by frogz123.

i like shadows.


Originally uploaded by frogz123.

The eiffel tower lights up at night! It also sparkles and I have video but I don't know how to post that.

St Peters- Vatican City

St Peters- Vatican City
Originally uploaded by frogz123.

Look at the light! It was cool in person.

The Duomo in Firenze

The Duomo in Firenze
Originally uploaded by frogz123.

These buiildings are realllllllly old. This was the day that it wasn't soaking wet in Florence.

Three cool girls with their LSO tickets!!!!!

Three cool girls with their LSO tickets!!!!!
Originally uploaded by frogz123.

That's right, LSO!!!! They were great.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Things I have learned lately:

- My family and friends are amazing. Everyone from home, from Athens, and the friends I grew close to in Europe are such blessings in my life.

- Chocolate may take a close second to the people in my life. Especially magnum bars.

- I like Coke more than wine. Shocker.

- I can actually take care of myself in a foreign country, even in a place where I don't speak the language. That's good to know.

- I actually DO love to play the saxophone. I missed it. lol

- People exist outside of the school of music. Who knew??

- Someone else in the world reads Henry James. Emily, you are so infinite.

- Never date someone who makes you wonder. You deserve to know you are loved; you should never have to guess.

- You will never miss mcdonalds unless you are actually in a differnt country. Even if you never eat it at home, you will find that in another country you need a royale with cheese. Oh, and i definitely had one. Ok more than one. Ok one in every major city.

- Holding your camera off of the Eiffel Tower is strangely exhilerating. Even if Michael is freaking out and having convulsions as a result. "Woah, woah woah woah!!"

- Ravens are scary.

- Make sure you have your passport, otherwise border patrol will stop you in Switzerland and kick you off the train if you are in the car next to me and Laura and Megan.

- Dont put nail clippers in your carry on. As much as you know that you shouldnt do this, you might still do this.... like I did.

- Check into the airport late, because they might upgrade your seats. Sweet.

- I have no idea what is going to happen when I graduate. But that's ok with me.

- There is nothing better in the morning than a real cafe au lait and a pain au chocolate.

I'll end with that for now, might revise this list later. I havent seen most of you in forever!!!! Miss you guys, give me a call/email/comment. :)

PS- yay for the France party! Michael, you are a genius. Have more france parties. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so glad to be back here, full of new experiences and stories. I missed my family (and all of you!) so much, and it was great to see them in person today.

I'll tell you all about London later. I loved it there, maybe even more than Paris. Give me a call, now that I am not on the million-dollar-a-minute-in-Europe plan.

Goodnight from the USA!!

PS- I already miss Laura and Megan! Fish face. :(

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Back in Paris after a night in Milan and two in Florence. Oh Paris, how I missed you!! Florence was pretty cool, except it rained yesterday ALLLL day. We did get to see the David, which was amazing in person.

I met up with Laura and Megan in Milan... we are having an amazing time! We keep meeting random interesting people on the train. The girls we met last night were hilarious.

I miss my JLP group! I am eating nutella and bread in honor of all of you tonight. And I had a magnum yesterday and thought of you all. To those of you a la USA who are wondering about magnums (in case I have not mentioned them yet), they are amazing. Vanilla ice cream bars covered in chocolate, but exquisite. I bet Emily likes that word.

Ok, guys, I get back in one week! I cant wait to see you all and speak ENGLISH!! Though I do love to parler some francais and say insults in Italian. Scifo.

I have so many stories to tell when I get back, and so many pictures to share. Love you guys!


PS- give me a call, send me an email (vintage redcoats may use the C. Cooper voice), or comment on my blog!! it really makes my day!! You can even facebook me!! lol. ciao!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Just had one of the most amazing nights of my life. Ate on the rooftop terrace of the Centre Pompidou, overlooking the city of paris at sunset. Its hard to believe that I have made such amazing friends in one month's time.

I will never forget these three days or this night.

tomorrow I am going to Milan, then to Florence on Sunday, then back here to Paris.

Tomorrow is goodbye to My JLP friends for a while (I am so sad....) and hello to Laura, Megan, and elsbeth (YAY!).

Bittersweet. Goodnight from Paris. Can still see the Eiffel Tower from my window..

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I am in love... with Paris! I cant tell you how much I love being here. I wish i could post pics for you but I wont be able to until I get home. I left JLP last weekend and have been to Rome for several days. So much beauty there. Until I got Paris and realized that it could get better. This weekend I am going back to Italy to meet Laura and Megan in Florence (maybe Ill even get to see Elsbeth!!), then its back to Paris (i cant wait to come back, and i am still here!!) then London. I miss Annette. She is still in Rome. Michael, Bill, Victoria nd I are having so much fun though. You can see the Eiffel Tower from Victorias and my hotel room!!!

Alright, I have to leave. I miss you all! Ciao!

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Bittersweet day today! A lot of people stayed up all night last night (Annette and I made it for a while. We both got about an hour of sleep) to pack and see people off. We had people from the program leaving for the airport at all hours of the morning. It's so sad! I miss everyone already.

On top of that, I miss home. :(

On top of that, the family that owns the bakery was so sweet to us this morning! They gave us free morning coffee and Cute Bakery Lady told us all how sweet and brave we were for being here to study (she said this to me and was like "now you translate!"). I almost cried!

I am going to miss everyone.

Bre and Emily are fighting it out. They are both trying to convince me that their friend back home is someone I should date. But they are two different guys. As we speak, Emily is sitting on the computer next to me searching for pictures of her friend. Lol. It cracks me up.

I don't know any Italian except "crescendo" and "largo" and "del signo". I am going to die in Rome. Oh well!

Talk to you guys soon I hope! Take care of Georgia for me, I miss it!


Friday, June 03, 2005

Well... bonjour again.

I went to Nice today, because I have heard legendary tales of H & M from Lindsey last year. Though I think she went to the Paris location. however I did spend some money there and saw a little bit of Nice. There was too much construction for me to really think highly of the place but I am sure normally it is awesome. After Nice I went to the beach at JLP for maybe the last time before I leave. I am starting to get sad. :( We had our going away party last night. I can't bellieve JLP is over!!! I am so sad. I now have 1888 pictures on my little ibook due to loading everyone's pictures onto the computer. Hope i don't blow my computer up.

Tomorrow I am spending most of the day with Bre, Rachel, and Annette. Then Annette, Emily, Erin, and I are headed to Rome on an overnight train leaving from Nice. I'll be there for about a week, the Florence, PARIS, London. Call my USA cell... it should work. And you would make me happy :)

I am going to miss my JLP girls!!!! Rumor is that we are going to be real friends when we get back to Athens. Shhhh don't tell.

So... in Nice today we walked by a guy wearing a shirt with a picture of Sanford Stadium!!! Woah!!! We talked to him and he was definitely from UGA. Pretty weird.

So.. classes have given me confidence in an area that I wasn't sure about. You wouldn't believe the things I am learning here. Not exactly what I was expecting to learn- I will tell you all about it when I get back. Am craving American music and american newspapers.

i had, yes, a royal with cheese today. It is all that it should be. i did not however order a beer at McDonalds, which is what you are supposed to do here apparently. Oops.

Michael and Bill rock. To the freaking freakface. '05.

Ok I am obviously just writing random stuff on here now. I am doing laundry (at the free-internet-laundromat) so I ahve lots of extra internet time right now. Have a good week if I can't get on the computer before I leave Rome!!!!
