Tuesday, October 25, 2005

yeah. things are good. :) florida on thursday. mtna next week. crazy crazy.

Thanks to everyone who came to the jazz concert! Man, I need to whip out some abersolds.

Things I need before Florida:

a hoodie sweatshirt (i've decided it's the most important item for a bus ride)

ok, that's basically it. I just really want a hoodie. :)

To all you people that actually get a break on fall break, have fun.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

"Molly, you really need to go on date or something."

-My Dad, on hearing that last weekend I cleaned house. All weekend.

I am the ultimate of lame. Haha.

AND I AM OBSESSED WITH FACEBOOK PHOTO ALBUMS!!! And I thought I couldn't be more addicted to facebook....

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

if you are male, i am pretty sure this is your week to be mad at me. so i've heard.

please leave complaints in the comment box. ;)

the management


The jazz concert on Sunday (3 PM HODGSON HALL) is FREEEEEEEEEE!!!! Donations only. COME!! it will be fun :)

i love that my room is clean! now how long will this last? hmmm.....

Monday, October 17, 2005

MY ROOM IS CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! It hasn't been this clean in a long, long time.

I would like to make a shout out to Dennis Karwowski, who belongs to my roommate Meghan. He sent Hoadley and me FLOWERS!!!!! He is the best roommate's boyfriend ever. Our flowers are gorgeous, d-bomb!!!!!!! Thank youuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And good choice of flowers (I think Meghan gets most of those props ;) )!!!

On another note, Elsbeth is my girl. That was fun. Too bad no one took pics? Boooo.

I had a normal person weekend and it was fabulous. I spent time with fantastic people AND I was productive. More of these weekends please!!

JAZZ CONCERT SUNDAY OCTOBER 23rd. Hodgson Hall, 3 PM. It's going to be awesome, please come. Your tickets will support the victims of Katrina and it will be FUN to listen to. UGA Jazz band, David Brothers Quartet, Squat.

*Commercial break over*

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Corn Maze!!!

Corn Maze!!!
Originally uploaded by frogz123.

So... I went to a corn maze. It was, yes, a maze. We got lost. We went in circles. Here is my self portrait, in the cornmaze. (MAIZE maze... yes you all are so clever, everyone who left IM's on my away message). It took forever. I either expected zombies or dead baseball players. To my chagrin (what does that even mean!??!!?), neither appeared.

This weekend is going to be awesome. Already did the maze thing, got my haircut. Gonna play some tennis, WATCH some football in the comfort of normal clothing and in the presence of food and friends. I am excited.

I messed up my blogger editing page. I hate computer code. Couldn't they think of soemthing easier to use? LIKE ENGLISH!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? French even. PLEASE.

Friday, October 14, 2005

So today was Yom Kippur. I'm not going to give you the long version, but part of it is thinking about who you are and what you do, and thinking about who you actually want to be, and how you actually want to live life.

Which is something I have been thinking about lately anyway.

I'm cynical, which is funny sometimes. And sometimes sad. I am sarcastic. Which is funny to me almost always, but maybe not always the best choice. I am less serious more often, which is bad and good. I am artistically curious, which is fantastic in my mind. I am intellectually curious. I am slightly naive, perhaps moreso in the readers' minds than in my own. I think about important things but never talk about them; hardly ever write about them. I am competitive. I block out the news and current events because I think I can't help. I laugh a lot in my life, which is something I would like to keep.

I think I might be forcing an ignorance of the world on myself, in order to maintain some sort of innocence. I do not believe that I was meant to be ignorant in life. And I am not sure I could give you a distinct difference between the two, except that I am struggling against growing out of innocence, and I am struggling against growing into ignorance.

I want to have some cause that is bigger than myself. Something that I truly believe in, and something that I work for. I believe in music, art, literature... but I believe these mediums have to say something. I will sit staring at my computer at night, wanting to write and write and write, and having no reason to write down the thoughts in my head. Except one, and that is that I have a deep (and perhaps egocentric) belief that if I actually said these things, that it would be something important, something lasting, and something good. I have complete faith in my ability to do one thing, and it is not music, in fact.

I am not really writing this entry for you, readers. Just something to keep myself on track. But you are welcome to read, to respond, to skim, to ignore. And don't be deceived, I am not sad. Just thinking (as always, though you may not be able to tell).


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ok, I need verification. ARE THESE RULES TRUE??!?!?!?!?!?! I knew you people had some sort of secret club or something.

Also, nice job tonight B. Nothing says "man" like a piccolo trumpet. No but seriously, nice job.

~~~~~~~~~The Man Code~~~~~~~~~~

1. No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. (in fact, even remembering your best friends birthday is optional)

2. Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to pick a Buffalo wing clean.

3. If a mans zipper is down, that’s his problem, you didn’t see anything!

4. You must offer heartfelt condolences over the death of a girlfriends cat, even if it was you who secretly set it on fire and threw it into a ceiling fan.

5. While your girlfriend must bond with your buddies girlfriends with in 30 minutes of meeting them, you are not required to make nice with her gal pal's boyfriends- low level sports bonding is all the law requires.

6. Unless you have a lucrative endorsement contract, do not appear in public wearing more than one Nike swoosh.

7. When stumbling upon other guys watching a sporting event, you may always ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.

8. If your girlfriend asks to set your friend up with her ugly, whiny, loser friend of hers, you must grant permission, but only if you have ample time to warn your friend to prepare his excuse about joining the priesthood.

9. Only in a situation of mortal danger or ass peril are you permitted to kick another member of the male species in the testicles

10. Unless you're in prison, never fight naked. This includes men who aren't wearing shirts.

with every set of laws, there are appropriate punishments. If any man shall happen to break any one of these codes, he will be found guilty, and will, for 24 hours from the time of the violation, be considered NOT A MAN. During this time he will not be referred to in any masculine way, and he shall bear the name Princess.

Monday, October 10, 2005

I like where I am in life, but sometimes I feel like it is totally not where I was meant to be. And I know that statement is completely moot, because, in any philosophy that I can think of, you can only be meant to be in one place- which is the now and here, the present, wherever you are. So this is, apparently, where I was meant to be.

So what now?

I always have this sort of philosphical and emotional self-question session at about this time of year. It's the weather change I think. But then I always get over it and move on and live my every day day-to-day. But that sucks. Day-to-day is not leading me anywhere right now, however much I enjoy day-to-day. This is my 17th straight year of being in school. Thinking back, those first four years when I was not in school, they pretty much rocked. You know, eat some food (hot dog, macaroni and cheese), watch some tv (sesame street!), play a computer game (green screen, name the zoo animal style), take a nap, make brother do something (play barbie!!!), repeat. Pretty sweet deal.

Current schedule: Wake up tired, go to class tired, go to lesson, remember that you don't have time to eat lunch on any day of the week, or breakfast, or sometimes even dinner (no hot dog and macaroni... :(...), do homework (yeah right), stay up as late as possible to pretend like you have free time, go to sleep (briefly), repeat.

I used to be creative... where did that go? That's right, you are reading what's left of my creative outlet. Anyone reading this want to offer me a job? A good one? I'll have a music degree in a couple of years. I'm creative. I play the saxophone. I can write. I can solve logistical problems. Do you need a stylist? I will apply. I can type. Contrary to the contents of this blog, I understand the concepts of grammar. I can speak French fairly well.

Somehow, I think I need to work on my resume. Suggestions (or job offers)??

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Yes sir!!!

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that THAT is how it is done.

Mmmmhmmmmm. Go dawgs.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Oooo I think rainy days should automatically have three extra hours added to them for naps. Someone should probably call Oprah about that. I'm sure she could fix that, she fixes everything (and has fabulous shoes).

Let me reiterate the nature of this recent questionaire. The stipulation that requires the commenter to post "this" on his or her journal actually refers to the questions themselves. This enables other would-be commenters to have their questions answered by each journal's specific author.

By (late) request, this one is for you, John Renfroe!

1. Random: I am glad we are on the same bus!
2. Song/movie: Why of course, Ann Marie's song reminds me of you dancing around and playing the saxophone!!
3. Jello: Jello. I bet you don't even like jello!
4. Inside joke: "Does anyone have a midget I can use?" that one is even from today!
5. First/clearest memory: your audition your freshman year. clearest- you dancing around playing ann maries song... hahah that will stay with me forreevverrrrr
6. Animal: you remind me of... A PARTY ANIMAL!!! hahahhaha. I just thought of that and I think it's hilarious.
7. ?: Something I have always wondered... hmmm... How is it that your house is so clean and freaking awesome!??!?! You should be an interior decorator, heterosexually of course.

One closing note. My neighbors are tailgaiting tonight. In their front lawn. Sitting on the bed of their truck. On an away-weekend. In the dark.


Thursday, October 06, 2005


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

OUT OF CONTROL! Now I must add colin:

1. Random: You are awesome at making a band camp fun, even in Dahlonega
2. Song/movie: Team America reminds me of you
3. Jello: blue flavored jello?
4. Inside joke: oh you know, fruit loops at the mess hall, going to walmart for fun, makin fun of crazy kids, eating fun dip, you know...
5. First/clearest memory: clearest memory- you trying to flip your sandal over and have it land on your foot
6. Animal: you remind me of... i don't know. what's a cool animal? we'll say a liger. just cause it's cool
7. ?: I've always wanted to know, colin, why you don't update your journal more. i mean... i am running out of ways to procrastinate.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Alright, you guys asked for it. Here goes.


1. Random: You like spongebob squarepants
2. Song/movie: West Side Story (especially that Little Richard recording of I Feel Pretty...haha) and Beaches
3. Jello: We tried to make jello easter eggs once and i don't remember if it worked.
4. Inside joke: napkin head. wedgewog
5. First/clearest memory: I don't even know what my first memory of you is... too many. I remember being in our kitchen in Ellenwood a lot...
6. Animal: You don't really remind me of an animal. But you do remind me of the best mom ever...!!!!!!
7. ?: Hmm I dunno. Did you ever figure out that sam jumped over that coffee table before I said anything? lol. sorry sam....

1. Random: You are so freaking witty. You crack me up. Please write my essays from now on.
2. Song/movie: The beatles remind me of you, probably because of your facebook picture right now
3. Jello: This jello question is stupid. But you probably like green flavored jello.
4. Inside joke: i owe you a cowboy hat.
5. First/clearest memory: first: sometime in middle school. clearest: you are the one who told me that a plane crashed into the world trade center.
6. Animal: you remind me of... somebody that travelled back in time from the future. that's an animal i guess
7. ?: Seriously- you knwo so much freaking music. Where does it all come from?!! How do you discover these new musics?!?!?!

1. Random: You win my award for most stylish male in the SOM.
2. Song/movie: 80's pop music remind me of you
3. Jello: you probably like alcohol flavored jello.
4. Inside joke: apparently we are not friends, we have no jokes. oh wait- craptastic. there you go. i used to have an inside joke with someone about you...you'll laugh if i ever tell you about it
5. First/clearest memory: first memory... i don't really know. probably me just feeling really awkward when i was always in your 5tet office because i didn't know you guys.
6. Animal: some kind of exotic fish
7. ?: WHO IS THAT CHILD IN YOUR FACEBOOK PICTURE?!?!?! so freaking cute.

1. Random: You are the most punk rawk person ever.
2. Song/movie: JLC and M5 remind me of you, and you know why!
3. Jello: we should go eat some jello...
4. Inside joke: lurve, bluejay, pickled eggs (gross), meatball/robot... so many
5. First/clearest memory: i met you and cortney at redcoats at the intramural fields and i remember exactly where the two of you were sitting and even what we talked about
6. Animal: you are a crazy parrot!
7. ?: will you marry me?!?!?!?!?

1. Random: I miss sitting next to you in band. and i miss painting your house. and playing with your cats.
2. Song/movie: Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night
3. Jello: ummm. i am running out of jello comments
4. Inside joke: hang them on the hooks (do you remember that?!)
5. First/clearest memory: 7th grade. I realized that there were two of you, and one of you played trumpet. It was the weirdest moment of my life
6. Animal: you remind me of a kitty!!
7. ?: Don't you wish you went to UGA instead of that crazy atlanta school? ;)

1. Random: I MISSS YOU!!! You are my favorite world traveller
2. Song/movie: Disney anything reminds me of you.
3. Jello: Brusters needs to sell jello.
4. Inside joke: kapatewie!!! HAH. that is so old school :)
5. First/clearest memory: I can remember so much middle school stuff that we did, but i don't know what my first memory of you is!
6. Animal: You remind me of this cute little baby penguin in the Chipmunks Great Adventure, also because you are awesome at swimming :)
7. ?: What are we gonna do when you get back?!?!?!? :)

Chris (aka 'C')-
1. Random: You are one of the few people in the world that don't ever get on my nerves
2. Song/movie: our jazz band book reminds me of you, since you are mr. jazz t.a.
3. Jello: it seems to me that, yes, red would be your favorite flavor
4. Inside joke: *shakes head*
5. First/clearest memory: Not sure... but for some reasom I specifically remember talking to you in Florida last year
6. Animal: you remind me of... an owl (because they can shake their head no)
7. ?: When are we ever going to play tennis?!?!

1. Random: Your baby picture on facebook cracks me up
2. Song/movie: Country music reminds me of you!
3. Jello: i bet you have an opinion on jello
4. Inside joke: asdfl;kj (word verification)... that still cracks me up
5. First/clearest memory: my first memory of you is great- "No no no, like this: I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... That you love meeee..... Doobee doobee doowahhh, doo doo, dahhhhhhhh. DAT DAT." I remember being really amused.
6. Animal: A GEORGIA BULLDAWG. even though you seem to like those mah-zou-rah people.
7. ?: ARE YOU GOING TO CHINA!??!?! :)

Well guys, there it is.

*Animal references do not mean that you look like said animal. Let's play nice, now.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

This weekend was great. I feel better. I completed a 5k. I puppy-sat. I saw my family (except sam- where are you?!). I saw my real dog. I went shopping. I got some new music (You say Chris Botti, I say Chris Hotti). All that, plus the previous friday night adventure.

I stole this from my brother. This should be interesting...

Comment and ...
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in****
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.

****Jello wrestling sounds dangerous to me. I'll make some sort of comment about jello, but it may not include wrestling.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

[Me, Hoadley, Varn downtown at unnamed major coffee establishment, sitting outside]

Random guy: Hey are those orange mocha frappucinos?
Me: Uh...no. Good try, zoolander.
Random guy: [points at me]

30 seconds later.

Random guy #2: Hi my name is [blah blah blah], what's yours?
Meghan: It doesn't matter, we were just talking about getting married.*
Random guy #2's buddy: Haha oh really? That's cool.... Can we have your numbers?
Laura: No
Meghan: No
Me: Yes. [makes up fake number]
Rg2: So how do y'all know each other?
Meghan: We're all music majors.
RG2: Oh cool! So what are your majors?
Meghan/Laura: ...... music.
RG2: [slaps himself in the head...seriously]
Me, Varn, Hoadley: [try not to laugh but end up laughing awkwardly]
RG2 & buddy: [sense awkwardness and walk away]

20 minutes downtown, completely cut down three guys. I should write a book on how to be single. But I mean, come on. I freaking rock at it. Also, something about Laura, Meghan, and me downtown creates the most random awkward stories. Please reference "Hit and Run Pirate" incident of spring 2005.

*Note: The three of us are actually not getting married. Do not be alarmed. This statement was meant as a decoy, to deflect crazy random guys. However they completely missed the deflection.

Puppy sitting tomorrow. Go (little bitty) dawg.