Alright, you guys asked for it. Here goes.
1. Random: You like spongebob squarepants
2. Song/movie: West Side Story (especially that Little Richard recording of I Feel Pretty...haha) and Beaches
3. Jello: We tried to make jello easter eggs once and i don't remember if it worked.
4. Inside joke: napkin head. wedgewog
5. First/clearest memory: I don't even know what my first memory of you is... too many. I remember being in our kitchen in Ellenwood a lot...
6. Animal: You don't really remind me of an animal. But you do remind me of the best mom ever...!!!!!!
7. ?: Hmm I dunno. Did you ever figure out that sam jumped over that coffee table before I said anything? lol. sorry sam....
1. Random: You are so freaking witty. You crack me up. Please write my essays from now on.
2. Song/movie: The beatles remind me of you, probably because of your facebook picture right now
3. Jello: This jello question is stupid. But you probably like green flavored jello.
4. Inside joke: i owe you a cowboy hat.
5. First/clearest memory: first: sometime in middle school. clearest: you are the one who told me that a plane crashed into the world trade center.
6. Animal: you remind me of... somebody that travelled back in time from the future. that's an animal i guess
7. ?: Seriously- you knwo so much freaking music. Where does it all come from?!! How do you discover these new musics?!?!?!
1. Random: You win my award for most stylish male in the SOM.
2. Song/movie: 80's pop music remind me of you
3. Jello: you probably like alcohol flavored jello.
4. Inside joke: apparently we are not friends, we have no jokes. oh wait- craptastic. there you go. i used to have an inside joke with someone about'll laugh if i ever tell you about it
5. First/clearest memory: first memory... i don't really know. probably me just feeling really awkward when i was always in your 5tet office because i didn't know you guys.
6. Animal: some kind of exotic fish
7. ?: WHO IS THAT CHILD IN YOUR FACEBOOK PICTURE?!?!?! so freaking cute.
1. Random: You are the most punk rawk person ever.
2. Song/movie: JLC and M5 remind me of you, and you know why!
3. Jello: we should go eat some jello...
4. Inside joke: lurve, bluejay, pickled eggs (gross), meatball/robot... so many
5. First/clearest memory: i met you and cortney at redcoats at the intramural fields and i remember exactly where the two of you were sitting and even what we talked about
6. Animal: you are a crazy parrot!
7. ?: will you marry me?!?!?!?!?
1. Random: I miss sitting next to you in band. and i miss painting your house. and playing with your cats.
2. Song/movie: Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night
3. Jello: ummm. i am running out of jello comments
4. Inside joke: hang them on the hooks (do you remember that?!)
5. First/clearest memory: 7th grade. I realized that there were two of you, and one of you played trumpet. It was the weirdest moment of my life
6. Animal: you remind me of a kitty!!
7. ?: Don't you wish you went to UGA instead of that crazy atlanta school? ;)
1. Random: I MISSS YOU!!! You are my favorite world traveller
2. Song/movie: Disney anything reminds me of you.
3. Jello: Brusters needs to sell jello.
4. Inside joke: kapatewie!!! HAH. that is so old school :)
5. First/clearest memory: I can remember so much middle school stuff that we did, but i don't know what my first memory of you is!
6. Animal: You remind me of this cute little baby penguin in the Chipmunks Great Adventure, also because you are awesome at swimming :)
7. ?: What are we gonna do when you get back?!?!?!? :)
Chris (aka 'C')-
1. Random: You are one of the few people in the world that don't ever get on my nerves
2. Song/movie: our jazz band book reminds me of you, since you are mr. jazz t.a.
3. Jello: it seems to me that, yes, red would be your favorite flavor
4. Inside joke: *shakes head*
5. First/clearest memory: Not sure... but for some reasom I specifically remember talking to you in Florida last year
6. Animal: you remind me of... an owl (because they can shake their head no)
7. ?: When are we ever going to play tennis?!?!
1. Random: Your baby picture on facebook cracks me up
2. Song/movie: Country music reminds me of you!
3. Jello: i bet you have an opinion on jello
4. Inside joke: asdfl;kj (word verification)... that still cracks me up
5. First/clearest memory: my first memory of you is great- "No no no, like this: I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... That you love meeee..... Doobee doobee doowahhh, doo doo, dahhhhhhhh. DAT DAT." I remember being really amused.
6. Animal: A GEORGIA BULLDAWG. even though you seem to like those mah-zou-rah people.
7. ?: ARE YOU GOING TO CHINA!??!?! :)
Well guys, there it is.
*Animal references do not mean that you look like said animal. Let's play nice, now.