Oooo I think rainy days should automatically have three extra hours added to them for naps. Someone should probably call Oprah about that. I'm sure she could fix that, she fixes everything (and has fabulous shoes).
Let me reiterate the nature of this recent questionaire. The stipulation that requires the commenter to post "this" on his or her journal actually refers to the questions themselves. This enables other would-be commenters to have their questions answered by each journal's specific author.
By (late) request, this one is for you, John Renfroe!
1. Random: I am glad we are on the same bus!
2. Song/movie: Why of course, Ann Marie's song reminds me of you dancing around and playing the saxophone!!
3. Jello: Jello. I bet you don't even like jello!
4. Inside joke: "Does anyone have a midget I can use?" that one is even from today!
5. First/clearest memory: your audition your freshman year. clearest- you dancing around playing ann maries song... hahah that will stay with me forreevverrrrr
6. Animal: you remind me of... A PARTY ANIMAL!!! hahahhaha. I just thought of that and I think it's hilarious.
7. ?: Something I have always wondered... hmmm... How is it that your house is so clean and freaking awesome!??!?! You should be an interior decorator, heterosexually of course.
One closing note. My neighbors are tailgaiting tonight. In their front lawn. Sitting on the bed of their truck. On an away-weekend. In the dark.
How is it that I misunderstood that. BTW, "misunderstood" has a lot more letters than it should for its relatively slim meaning. nffluy
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