Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My dishwasher is amazing. It actually does something that I didn't know dishwashers could do. It's no boring everyday dishwasher. My dishwasher can actually make dishes DIRTIER than they were before they got "washed."

I know, like I said, my dishwasher is amazing. So here is my current dishwashing agenda: Pre-rinse reallly well. Load dishwasher. Put in detergent. Turn dishwasher on. Unload dishes (while making a sad face because they are all dirty). Wash dish again when I need to use it.

Inefficient. Overrated. All in all just bad news for a girl like me. A girl who likes clean dishes.

Mr. Dishwasher, you are a waste of my time. And yet I run back time and time again, thinking maybe you've changed... maybe this time you will actually make the dishes clean.

How do I break this endless cycle (pun intended)?!?! I just want my dishes to be clean!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest you get rid of this useless invention and buy yourself an electric monk. Sure, clean dishes are usefull, but think, an electric monk can believe things for you. Think of how well you would be if you could just sit there not believing in things, and it'd do it for you. Man, the world could be a better place.

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's all about the clorox-soft-scrub... so says my grandma... i will do your dishes (or maybe she will)...if the price is right.... :)

1:11 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

If you live in an apartment, report it to maintenance - the drain that empties your dishwasher is probably either clogged or draining too slowly. Sometimes the timer on the dishwasher prompts it to continue the cycle before it is actually finished draining... thus it is basically tossing around old food remnants onto your dishes and baking them on during the drying process.

I know that was a REALLY strange comment for a first-post to your blog... sorry for the randomness, and howdy!

6:14 PM  

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