Thursday, September 29, 2005


boo. :(

Monday, September 26, 2005

Molly: "I don't feel so good."
Rory: "Yeah I knew you had to be either depressed or sick. You wore a tshirt."

Apparently I don't dress down much.

Saw the elusive Ryan Hague today! Crazy.

Slept for hours today and ate at chickfila twice. That's a day right there. Watched a movie that I would like to call girl-propoganda. Fever Pitch (which I actually enjoyed) starring Drew barrymore and Jimmy Fallon. Guy likes girl, girl likes guy, guy loves Red Sox. Guy loses girl, offers to give up Red Sox for her. I won't spoil the end, but I was pleased. However, pure girl-propanda. Full of reasons why guys should give up sports and spend time with the lady. All about compromise. Blah blah blah.

Yet also, it could be guy-propoganda. Full of reasons why sports events are excellent date venues. AND this sports/date movie actually managed to avoid the "Kiss-Cam" cliche. Bravo.

Final emotions at end of film: Wishing I was in Boston for a Red Sox game. Wishing I was at any baseball game actually. And also wishing for cold weather.

Tennis class tomorrow. Please don't make us do "happy feet." Please.

Friday, September 23, 2005

So the Redcoats are going to CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is going to be a good year. I am going to see the Great Wall of China.

B- lessons on how to say "i want a big mac" in chinese?

Keep the passport stamps coming. That's all I've got to say.

...... CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My dishwasher is amazing. It actually does something that I didn't know dishwashers could do. It's no boring everyday dishwasher. My dishwasher can actually make dishes DIRTIER than they were before they got "washed."

I know, like I said, my dishwasher is amazing. So here is my current dishwashing agenda: Pre-rinse reallly well. Load dishwasher. Put in detergent. Turn dishwasher on. Unload dishes (while making a sad face because they are all dirty). Wash dish again when I need to use it.

Inefficient. Overrated. All in all just bad news for a girl like me. A girl who likes clean dishes.

Mr. Dishwasher, you are a waste of my time. And yet I run back time and time again, thinking maybe you've changed... maybe this time you will actually make the dishes clean.

How do I break this endless cycle (pun intended)?!?! I just want my dishes to be clean!

Monday, September 19, 2005

I am not getting sick.

I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick.

:( I hope i am not getting sick.

Friday, September 16, 2005

C- Special Ed mixed doubles are in. Should we have team names?

B- Thanks for the anti-craptasticism comment. I mean, we didn't win the concerto contest or anything... I think you have to be kind of a big deal for that to happen...
PS- Bulldog 5 sounded awesome today.

Sam- way to point out my grammar mistake(s). Misplaced modifier. I probably owe you some sort of dessert with sprinkles for that one.

Lindsey- If I could mail a cake with rainbow chips all the way to Mexico, I totally would. Guess you have to come back early and visit me!! :)

Tomorrow is an early morning for me. For those of you keeping track, tomorrow is also Saturday. Remember those days when you could sleep in on saturdays? Some people might say "why yes! that is what i am doing tomorrow." Oh to be one of those people...

Maybe you should come say hi to me at the game. Yes that means YOU, faithful reader... support your school and your poor friend Molly. I'll be the one in red and black synthetic fabric with a bucket and feather on my head. Go dawgs. Totally worth it though.


PS- I am totally in love with the idea of getting a puppy. There is a Pedigree commercial on tv right now that is ridiculously adorable. So much in fact, that I did the little "awwwwwwww" noise to myself when i saw it. And at the end of the commercial it just said "Dogs rule." So on that note...

Dawgs rule.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Woah, guys... woah. Everyone calm down. John, Sam... no wrasslin please.

In other news, my roommates are fantastic. Last night, Laura made me shrimp scampi (way better than red lobsters endless shrimp feast) and then tonight Meghan made homemade pizza. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

VOLLEYBALL BAND ON FRIDAY!!! twice your score, what what. That could totally be the lamest thing ever, except I happen to think that Spike the inflatable mascot is hilarious. One time he ripped a hole in his Spike suit and had to run out of the gymnasium, deflating all the while. His little Spike suit was dragging everywhere and his little Spike feet could only run in little steps.

So yesterday I applied for the MTNA competition. The quartet I am in also entered. I am really going to have to work hard for the next six weeks to actually make this competition worth it. Dr. Fischer also wants me to play a recital before the competition. If that happens you all have to come!!!!

So, Erin Frey is on a mission, and I told her I would make her a cake if she completes her mission. With sprinkles.

Does anyone want to play tennis with me? I am terrible, but I am taking tennis this semester and it's pretty fun. It's almost gauranteed that you would win. By a lot.

Game set match. Bye.

Monday, September 12, 2005

This weekend was crazy.

Someone asked me to be in a martial arts movie for their class. I told you I was a ninja.

I am becoming expert at wrapping birthday presents in a moving vehicle. While I am driving. Ok, I must admit that most of the time I wrap while I am at a red light. Still, I find that impressive (in a reckless driving sort of way). OK OK seriously I keep my eyes on the road.

Today I realized how clean my house could possibly be, when I was hanging out with a friend, who is a guy, and his place was infinitely cleaner than my own. It was a sad moment in my life. But props to you and your un-lame movie party, Renfroe.

Oh school, please be over soon. Even though I have jury duty the week after finals. I hope I don't look like I would be a good juror.

Side note: I have never seen the Lexington Road Krystal's busy except for last saturday. I was amazed. And then I also ate there. I think I am going through a Krystal's phase right now. I think last year at this time it was a Reese's pieces phase. As you can tell, I like to eat healthy food.

PS- If you have never been to Clocked in downtown Athens, you should. They serve tator tots and koolaid.

Goodnight and go dawgs.

Monday, September 05, 2005

A quote stolen from an old friend (thanks jesse l.!):

It was not the world that was the great and saving lie, but her willingness to make it beautiful and fair, to live a once-removed life, in a world once-removed from from the one in which everyone else seemed to exist. - Foer

Feeling a little overwhelmed.

Ryan made a fabulous gourmet meal tonight, which made my day! I also got some time to sit outside on North Campus and read. The weather was almost fall-like. Today is a day that I wish I lived in the mountains. It's that time of year when I need quiet. When I miss quiet.

If you can't find me this week, I apologize. It's a curl-up-in-bed-and-read week.

Also, waiting for it to get cold outside. I'll feel better then.

Friday, September 02, 2005

JOHN RENFROE IS NOT LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!