Friday, July 29, 2005

Fannin Co. Band Camp, Year Two.


Fun times in the Ridge, as always. I must say that Matt (aka Midnight) was very much missed. But any band camp that lets me sleep in till noon is a good one, as far as band camps go.

Started reading Harry Potter. Couldn't hold out any longer. Book one, check.

Well this week I will be seeing Lindsey off to Mexico for about five months. I am going to miss her, especially being able to call her, but I am glad she is getting to go off and live somewhere else for a while. I think that's cool.

Then it's ATH for me. Lots of stuff to do this year I suppose. Where it's actually going to send me, I don't know, but I still feel that there is stuff to be done. I'm a little sad about this year, because I don't know if it will be my last around Athens.

I am however SO excited about my roommates. Crazy adventures. If you don't believe me, please refer to my "Hit and Run" blog entry or any entry from Europe.*

Shake it like jello make the boys say CELLO. (That one goes out to you, Meghan Varn, and also Archnemesis but for different reasons.)

*If you thought that me having crazy adventures made me cool, please note that I am listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack as I type, which will remind you that I am in fact lame. Good.

Monday, July 25, 2005

One bottle of dish detergent with bleach alternative
+One bottle Mr. Clean orange antibacterial multi-surface cleaner
+Package of scrubby sponges
+Package of surgical gloves (not kidding at all)

grossest refridgerater cleaning experience EVER.

After my grand return to athens for a couple of nights (after two to three months of absence), I notice that half of my house is empty. Not much furniture around, and one gross kitchen. I start looking around, assessing the situation, when I decide to open the refridgerator. BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH a million bugs EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing I just stocked up at Walmart with more cleaning supplies than I would ever need... or so I thought. But man I completely served those bugs. I threw out pretty much everything that was ever in my refridgerator. I cleaned it about three times over. You could now lick my rifridgerator and your tongue would be cleaner than before you licked it. That's how clean my refirdgerator is. However, Britney and I did have to have an emergency mopping session (including stealing a bucket from the guys down the street!!!) because of something that had been left in our pantry. I don't know what it used to be, but I am pretty sure it ended up as poop in a bag behind our trash can. That's what it smelled like.

I am never leaving my house for three months again.

Note to all of you: I do not normally have a bug-infested refridgerator, nor do I condone the housing of insects in the place where I keep my Coke. That, in fact, is one of the worst things I can think of, in terms of germs. I also do not condone poop in a bag behind my trash can. I like CLEAN. not POO.

Anyway, I also am a super genius and set up a wireless router in my athens house.

Let me know if you will be in athens later this week!!!! My house is so fresh and so clean clean now!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Well... it's that time again. Band camp time!! Winder Barrow rocks though and I will have more than three saxophones this time and won't have to steal people from Brian Westphal's section.

My parents had satellite tv installed today at my house, which is awesome, but I have been reading all day which makes me extremely nerdy. But I finished the Rule of Four. Pretty good. The critics said "it's like the DaVinci Code... but for people with brains." I agree. I think I am the only person in America who didn't like the DaVinci Code. Good idea for an episode of Magyver or a Tom Cruise movie. Bad idea for me to spend time reading it. But if it were an episode of Macgyver I would so totally watch it.

Ok, so I just discovered this button on the Google Website. It is labelled "I'm Feeling Lucky." Why.... why oh why would I press that button? It can't be productive or conducive to answering your question. I think Google is advocating procrastination. Google geniuses, they are. A procrastination button.

See you Friday.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I just have to say that I am completely in love with Marc Broussard's album Carencro. Done.

France party numero deux was fun. It was a happy "freaking freakface" birthday to annette and was complete with baguettes, nutella, and that's right- the chocolate square cookies!! Holy cow you can buy them at Kroger! Who knew??

So... I want to talk about ice cream. I visited my favorite ice cream establishment tonight (my face... just kidding, Brusters near my lilburn house) and had an interesting flavor. This flavor is one that I order every time I can find it there. The name is Cotton Candy Explosion. Contradictory, you may think. Perhaps it is. But how could a light pink flavor such as cotton candy be labelled as explosive???

Pop Rocks.

That's right, they figured out a way to put Pop Rocks into ice cream without pre-exploding them before they reach your mouth. They use some sort of coating on clusters of pop rocks and then mix the candy into the ice cream. If you ask me, that's pure genius. If I made ice crema, I would make pez and more importantly, FUN DIP ice cream complete with the white candy spoon. Does anyone remember the color-changing fun dip?

I'll leave you with that.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Band camp- one down, two to go. The kids were great- I learned how to do the A-Town stomp. The instructors all bonded over fruit loops, and we watched the funniest movie ever. TA; WP.

So I arrived home, and once again realized I was bored. I came across this and consider myself group-tagged.

the game of five
people can only play when tagged --
you can make up new questions, delete questions, add questions, or keep the same, whatever --
the people you tag must add one more than what you have

five different places you'd like to live:
New York

five celebrities you think are swell:
Conan O'Brien
Michael Ian Black
The Puppets on Team America
Jake Gyllenhaal

five amazing things:
Cinque Terre, IT
Everyone that reads this
Segways. If you know what that is, you know you are amazed too.

five things you don't like:
Chocolate milk
Panty hose
Bell peppers

five things you miss about your childhood:
My Grandparents' house in Savannah
My dog Sweet Potato
The book fairs in the library at the elementary school
Field days
Cupcakes whenever ANYBODY had a birthday

five words:

five movies you like:
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
The Wizard of Oz

five things you are not:
too full for dessert
against naps

five tv shows you like:
City Confidential on A&E
Grey's Anatomy
Paula Dean's show on the Food Network

five least favorite musical people/groups:
Kenny G (Gorlick, if you were wondering)
Backstreet Boys
Dinosaur Music (if you don't know what that is, we'll have to have that discussion later.)
The Nokia ring tone and the Nextel noise
Bad soundtracks

five types of music you dig:
Accoustic guitar
Southern growly soul-blues (i just made up that genre)
Gregorian chant
Classical music with drumset (i see some of you making a poo poo face at me)

five favorite random things that have a special place in your heart:
My family (awww...)
My mom's retro clothes that I stole
the drive to savannah

five things you want to do before you die:
write novels
take art classes
open a restaurant or pastry chop or chocolate shop
go to all fifty states
make an album

five jobs you'd like to have:
Pastry shop owner (and official recipe tryer-outer)
Bookstore person/owner/worker.. i like the way books smell

five things i have called people while driving:
piece of crap
picking their nose

five foods I really, really like:
strawberry milk and butter cookies
cake batter ice cream from coldstone
french fries

five biggest fears:
the dark
being really really really lost

five things that make you laugh:
crazy hair
awkward silences
my dog when she goes crazy and runs around my house
conan o'brien

I tag everyone who has ever commented on my blog, since you are the only people who will respond anyway. Sweet. Do it.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Teaching a band camp for the next five days in Dahlonega. If you love me at all (that includes archnemeses...), call my cell phone and I will forever love you back.

See you Friday.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

HAPPY 21ST, BRITNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goooo Braves! I freaking love baseball games. It's such a chill sport. You don't have to act all crazy, you can get into a game for $7.50, and the guys are wearing hotpants (yeah yeah, just kidding. I'd take hotcakes over hotpants anytime.) Anyway, the game was great and had a clever ending.

Then I spent three and a half hours with Morgon and Viki in IHOP. Coffee and chocolate chip pancakes at 12:30 AM? I think yes. The waiter was a little creepy. You know when people smile too much and you can't figure out why? I don't tip based on the ratio of smiling time to neutral-face-time. But it was great to actually have some riveting conversation with people again (not with the waiter... with morgon and viki). Everyone else out there, talk to me about something riveting!!!! Ok many of you do, but I would just like to encourage the act of real conversation.

To top the day off, I had some cheesecake today. CHOCOLATE COOKIE DOUGH CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!! You are all jealous. It was delicious.

It's 5 AM, I am going to bed.

PS- did you know you can get kosher ice cream at the Brusters in Toco Hills?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London, my heart is there, with you.

Monday, July 04, 2005

I got a new car today that hopefully works!!!! It's actually not new, but it moves... which is a step up from my previous vehicle.

HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!! This is one of my alltime favorite holidays. Summer, no school, grilling out, and large quantities of fire. Yes.

So I edited down some of my pictures from Europe because I didnt want to get them all developed.. and ended up with 220. That is a lot of pictures.

Boring post. Boring days. But I am ok with that. Bye.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

One thing I received from Europe..... a ghetto booty.