Monday, July 25, 2005

One bottle of dish detergent with bleach alternative
+One bottle Mr. Clean orange antibacterial multi-surface cleaner
+Package of scrubby sponges
+Package of surgical gloves (not kidding at all)

grossest refridgerater cleaning experience EVER.

After my grand return to athens for a couple of nights (after two to three months of absence), I notice that half of my house is empty. Not much furniture around, and one gross kitchen. I start looking around, assessing the situation, when I decide to open the refridgerator. BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH a million bugs EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing I just stocked up at Walmart with more cleaning supplies than I would ever need... or so I thought. But man I completely served those bugs. I threw out pretty much everything that was ever in my refridgerator. I cleaned it about three times over. You could now lick my rifridgerator and your tongue would be cleaner than before you licked it. That's how clean my refirdgerator is. However, Britney and I did have to have an emergency mopping session (including stealing a bucket from the guys down the street!!!) because of something that had been left in our pantry. I don't know what it used to be, but I am pretty sure it ended up as poop in a bag behind our trash can. That's what it smelled like.

I am never leaving my house for three months again.

Note to all of you: I do not normally have a bug-infested refridgerator, nor do I condone the housing of insects in the place where I keep my Coke. That, in fact, is one of the worst things I can think of, in terms of germs. I also do not condone poop in a bag behind my trash can. I like CLEAN. not POO.

Anyway, I also am a super genius and set up a wireless router in my athens house.

Let me know if you will be in athens later this week!!!! My house is so fresh and so clean clean now!


Blogger Molly said...

PS- I think fridge is spelled differently each time it occurs in this post.

I think that revokes my super-genius status.

2:08 AM  

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