Saturday, July 09, 2005

HAPPY 21ST, BRITNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goooo Braves! I freaking love baseball games. It's such a chill sport. You don't have to act all crazy, you can get into a game for $7.50, and the guys are wearing hotpants (yeah yeah, just kidding. I'd take hotcakes over hotpants anytime.) Anyway, the game was great and had a clever ending.

Then I spent three and a half hours with Morgon and Viki in IHOP. Coffee and chocolate chip pancakes at 12:30 AM? I think yes. The waiter was a little creepy. You know when people smile too much and you can't figure out why? I don't tip based on the ratio of smiling time to neutral-face-time. But it was great to actually have some riveting conversation with people again (not with the waiter... with morgon and viki). Everyone else out there, talk to me about something riveting!!!! Ok many of you do, but I would just like to encourage the act of real conversation.

To top the day off, I had some cheesecake today. CHOCOLATE COOKIE DOUGH CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!! You are all jealous. It was delicious.

It's 5 AM, I am going to bed.

PS- did you know you can get kosher ice cream at the Brusters in Toco Hills?


Blogger cbrad said...

there will be real, riveting conversation taking place tonight at our house if you're interested. of course, it might be riveting conversation about alcoholic consumption, but it will be riveting nonetheless. guaranteed.


5:35 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

How could a Braves game have a clever ending? I wonder....

10:06 PM  

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