Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Well... it's that time again. Band camp time!! Winder Barrow rocks though and I will have more than three saxophones this time and won't have to steal people from Brian Westphal's section.

My parents had satellite tv installed today at my house, which is awesome, but I have been reading all day which makes me extremely nerdy. But I finished the Rule of Four. Pretty good. The critics said "it's like the DaVinci Code... but for people with brains." I agree. I think I am the only person in America who didn't like the DaVinci Code. Good idea for an episode of Magyver or a Tom Cruise movie. Bad idea for me to spend time reading it. But if it were an episode of Macgyver I would so totally watch it.

Ok, so I just discovered this button on the Google Website. It is labelled "I'm Feeling Lucky." Why.... why oh why would I press that button? It can't be productive or conducive to answering your question. I think Google is advocating procrastination. Google geniuses, they are. A procrastination button.

See you Friday.


Blogger Andrew said...

I love that one Simpsons episode where Patty & Selma are watching Macgyver on TV. And some Indian villagers are crowded around Macgyver saying, "Macgyver, you have saved our village!" To which he responds "Don't thank me; thank the gravitational pull of the sun."

i always find that funny just thought id share it since u were talkin MG


2:06 AM  
Blogger Kyle said...

Apparently the DaVinci Code movie will have Tom Hanks, not Cruise. But you were close. It's all about the Toms in Hollywood. Except for Selleck.

And "I'm Feeling Lucky" is a way lazy button, it just takes you to the first result they have. So if you're really that lazy, Google will accommodate you.

I figure I should probably email you. We don't quite seem to be on at the same time and I just now got the idea to visit your blog (while looking at your facebook page) so maybe email will work better. Hmm.

Okay I'm going to go now. Bye yo.

9:01 PM  

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