Today was the day that Athens ran out of gas.
But it could have been much, much worse.
So, I am in Conducting II now, and lo and behold, part of our homework is to critique videos of ourselves conducting. I just laughed at my video the whole time. No one told me I sounded like such a girl. Lol.
Also, Party City still sells Fun Dip for about a million to the dollar, and I ate some tonight, and I am almost positive that it is pure sugar with food coloring (mine actually CHANGED colors from blue to green).
what a petty entry to write, but somehow i would like to believe that its ok... that i don't have to write social commentary when bad things happen. i'm sad, but what words are there to convey that? i know nothing about the kind of thing the survivors of katrina are going through, and who am i to write about it?
on that note, today was good, considering all things. it was a good day in athens, with my roommates, with my friends. and i even saw my mom for lunch. that is a good day.