Friday, February 17, 2006

Weird Dream last night.

On a normal basis, I might wake myself up in the middle of the night by laughing, out loud, in a dream. I am a generally happy person with very weird dreams.

I had a ridiculous dream last night though. My late dog Sweet Potato (aka Sweetie, if you were in her elite circle of immediate friends and family) was totally alive, and pretty much the happiest dog ever. I was like "HOLY CRAP" and totally kept hugging my dog and crying. A lot. Matt was in the dream trying to console me (poor guy, i am stressing him out in my dreams), and my dog was pretty much being completely awesome. So I woke up, 8th grade style, bawling my eyes out.

I definitely called my mom in that voice where you can't tell what someone is saying because they are crying/squeaking/breathing loudly while their face is smushed against the cell phone.

I stopped crying when i realized that my brother was also in my dream.... wearing a pink sparkly tutu.

Cheers to that. Thanks for cheering me up sam, unknowingly.

PS- My brother was visibly upset in the dream that he was wearing a tutu. As far as I know, he does not practice such fashion in real life.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Yes, I do indeed get your point. Writers who don't write, well... they suck. So here I am. Also, props to (some of) you guys for posting a link to me on your own very special corner of the web.

So, a very special (and brief) catch-up entry (think every-movie-needs-a-montage):
-buying shoes .... actually i haven't lately which is RIDICULOUS. remind me to buy shoes next time you see me
-using my new coffee maker to make coffee way too late at night
-chocolate fountain. pretty much enough said
-watching grey's anatomy and house. MORE DOCTOR SHOWS PLEEEEAAAASSEEEEE. i mean... stat.

That's pretty much the significant outline of my life right now.

I saw 3-7 snow flurries today. I pulled over.

I was in another movie!! I was a secret agent. Links to come soon.

Sweet. Feel free to give me outlined and abbreviated updates on your lives if you feel the urge to comment.