Sunday, February 12, 2006


Yes, I do indeed get your point. Writers who don't write, well... they suck. So here I am. Also, props to (some of) you guys for posting a link to me on your own very special corner of the web.

So, a very special (and brief) catch-up entry (think every-movie-needs-a-montage):
-buying shoes .... actually i haven't lately which is RIDICULOUS. remind me to buy shoes next time you see me
-using my new coffee maker to make coffee way too late at night
-chocolate fountain. pretty much enough said
-watching grey's anatomy and house. MORE DOCTOR SHOWS PLEEEEAAAASSEEEEE. i mean... stat.

That's pretty much the significant outline of my life right now.

I saw 3-7 snow flurries today. I pulled over.

I was in another movie!! I was a secret agent. Links to come soon.

Sweet. Feel free to give me outlined and abbreviated updates on your lives if you feel the urge to comment.


Blogger Chris said...

-Checking your blog everyday to see if you posted

-pouting because you didn't

-resolving to go on with my life

-checking again

-pouting again


12:14 PM  
Blogger cbrad said...

if you're that starved for doctor shows, i can videotape myself playing operation.

maybe not the best show on tv, but i'm pretty bad-ass at getting the wish-bone and the rubber band thing out. you'd at least watch those two episodes.
or tivo them for later.

move over, dr. house.


3:46 PM  
Blogger Mickey McCale said...

Rock on, girl.....

Personally, I just bought this luscious pair of sparking red pumps.....omg, I almost felt like clicking my heels when I slipped them on!!!!

Oh, shit.....

12:03 AM  
Blogger cbrad said...

that's gayer than eight guys blowing nine guys. seriously.

nah, kidding. i got a pair too.


1:17 AM  
Blogger Kyle said...

Jack on LOST is a doctor. Sometimes it flashes back to him doing doctor-y things in a hospital.

Also, Scrubs is pretty much one of the funniest shows ever and it has Zach Braff. So there's that.

Yeah, I gave up looking at your blog for a while, but now I'm all back with a vengeance.

12:01 AM  

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