Two weeks since the last post. Lots of time to think and some classes and some music in there too. Redcoats are going to rock out this year, I feel it.
I, however, am in a contemplative mood, and rather than dictate a list of events, I think I'll just ramble for a while. I want some change. I just decided today not to do jazz band this year. I decided I need focus, time, and efficiency; so that I may enjoy my life. No more overloaded hours, no more stress. I am streamlining my life. My goal? Simplicity. It's not so bad a goal, I've learned. Because if you can keep your mind and heart untangled, then your faith can shine, and your enjoyment of God and life and even sadness. Simplicity gives you the momentum to make the right decisions and know that you are making the most of life. Jazz band is not efficient nor is it highly enjoyable to me. It's fun, perhaps, but not what I want. I am not improving in there, and maybe its just not my forte. That doesnt mean it's gone forever. Just for now, so I can breathe and sit and study and think.
Other things that are gone: English. Well, I still speak it. And read it. I just refuse to rupture my passion for English on fault of class requirements. English and jazz..... too things I really love, but I have to give them up. You have no idea how hard this is for me. I just... I guess I just know I have to do it.
Anyway, despite the sort of bittersweetness of my thoguhts right now. I feel content and I am absolutely loving this year. Great roommate, great classes, great new friends. I love all the new friends I've made.
Time to study. And relax. And audition for for wind ensemble, relaxfully, of course! Bye....