Monday, January 05, 2004

There's something in your eyes
That makes me want to lose myself
Makes me want to lose myself
In your arms.....

Feels like home to me
Feels like home to me
Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong.

Hmmm..... that song has been in my head all day. Weird. It's a beautiful song though. I've decided I need to listen to more music. I get very comfortable in my music collection and don't venture out too much. More music, less whatever else.

I just got all my pictures develloped from all of college. Some are cute. There are three that i desperately want to burn. Lol, and I have never had that desire to burn pics before. But they aren't pics of me. Hmmm... fun. But there are some adorable pics of the girls!!! I cant wait to redecorate my dorm with all these new pics.

I miss athens!! And all the people! And i love spring in Athens so much! Knowing that the semester is just going to keep getting warmer and warmer makes classes so much better and everything is much more lighthearted. Not to mention I have a life now that Redcoats doesnt suck up my evenings and weekends. Well, I have the potential to have a life. I could instead just have a lot of extra time and nothing to do. That is the very reason why I plan to work out and utilize my new sewing machine. Seriously, I have no muscles. That is plan for this semester, to remedy that. And I also want to get some Norah Jones sheet music and learn the piano parts to her songs, maybe some old ratpack standards.

I have so many aspirations for this semester. I LOVE spring semester. Oh and also about a billion good movies are coming out. Such as Troy. I can't wait.

So tonight I walked outside and it felt like springtime. The weirdest part was that as soon as I breathed in I got a sudden flashback to Nitchie's pool in the summer after my freshman year. Those times were crazy amazing. Props to the ragmen and Morg, if y'all are reading. Hmm, frogs and swimming and so much fun.

People I miss: my brother, the ragmen (all of you!), Morg, Linds, Jeremy, JV, Morg some more, all the Tech Brownies, Mr. Magner (lol), Athens (ok ok it is a city, i know... and maybe even Blue Ridge too if we are going for places!), Rory, Sarah Greenwood, K8, Shelley, Lauren Foust, in fact... all the FBG's/Gilmore Girls, AP Calc class 2nd semester, Mrs. Jackson (lol JV and Sarah, hush up), Kerrie N., Chris W. and Sandy, MPenn Emmyjay Steven and all the guys, and well... maybe one more.

Ok well, my entries have been sort of random lately, but much more entertaining i think. :) I am ready for a full out girls night, i'm thinking reunion in the ATL, at the spaghetti factory. I'll get to work on that. Athens girls, we'll carpool.

I'm out, although not tired at all. :) Love~


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