Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Several requests for a new blog. Guess what! It's here!

Except I really don't have much to write about... I'm not stressed. I'm happy. I'm just going with whatever happens right now because I can't do anything about life. Except study, practice, blah blah all the stuff I am supposed to do.

Actually, I have a lot to write about. Lately, a lot. Just haven't really felt like writing, which is probably not a good sign. I don't know. Everything that happens lately just seems to make sense, and it doesn't bother me. I know where I want to go in life and I do all that I can to get there. And the things that really don't matter in life, really don't matter to me anymore. Sweet.

Not that I have no enthusiasm for life right now. That's not it at all. I have more energy than I have ever had. I just wish... hmmmm i don't know. I wish that life were a movie of sorts... because I would know exactly where mine was going and exactly the purpose of each character. But obviously I don't know these things. I would however need a theme song of sorts if my life were a movie... interesting.... perhaps.... Fly Away from Moulin Rouge? Too sad... um.... needs some sort of beat....



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