Thursday, September 25, 2003

Tonight I realized what it means to love somebody in the past tense, and how the tense diminishes nothing. A very dear friend, one of three people who has known me as I know myself, called me tonight and I can never thank him enough for all he has done in my life and in my heart. I was asked the other day what my greatest fear was, and I replied "The fear of never being understood, and thus being alone." Tonight I realized that my fear has already been defeated; for I have already been understood, and I will thus always be understood by at least one person. No matter how many years it has been, he will have defeated the fear i cannot defeat myself.

This blog goes out to good friends and good memories and pure innocence. Speaking of, I have said this before, but will speak with conviction now, that innocence is like faith, and is a matter of the soul and not of deed. God works in wonderful ways to show me that He loves me, and when I feel as though I am about to break, He sent an old friend to remind me that I should never break under such trivial worries. I will not worry about homework tonight, nor my schedule nor school in any way shape or form. I will be thankful tonight that I am loved and that I will never, ever be alone. I will be thankful tonight that I have laughed and cried, and that I have done these things with wonderful people, people who will never judge me nor will they forget me. I know I will never forget.

Rosh Hashana is this Saturday, kicking off the Jewish New Year. It is a week of reflection to end in atonement. God has started celebrating early with me, I think, because I am doing those things tonight.

Anyway, this night is for three guys and a girl who used to be inseparable, and who in fact, still are. And to one very special guy- you are an amazing man, thank you for showing me love and patience and kindness and gentleness and self-control and peace and joy and patience and goodness. May God bless you always.

Here's to the Irish.....


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