I am soooooooo staying up late tonight, only for the fact that my morning class was cancelled so I don't have anywhere to be until 12:20. Awesome. Except I'll probably still only get five hours of sleep cause I'll probably stay up really late. It is movie night however. And the last night this week before marching band takes over! Rar! or Bligork (for rory!).
So apparently.... Snelling's food inspection... yeah they almost made lower than I did on that one English test last year. It was only in one section of the inspection, but still... this is my main source of food here... and you guys know how i get. I am about to go on a popcorn diet consisting of .. popcorn. Microwave. Kettle Corn. Maybe even cookies. Yes defintely cookies too. The good frosted ones from walmart.
This blog goes out to JV, since the last one went out to Viki.
Anyone heard the new JM cd yet?? I need to go buy it ASAP. AHH! Need new JM like I need new shoes. Which is.. a lot... and always....
Nothing more to say, hope the movie tonight is good! Latah!
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