Sunday, September 26, 2004

First things firts... this is my 151st post!!! That is all at once awesome and sad, because I have had enough time to write over 30,000 words on here. I just figured all this stuff out because I just learned how to view my profile. But 30,000 is a lot. For some reason I am sort of excited about that. Hmm... oh well.

Also, go Braves!!

I like this time of year when the days are still pretty warm but at night and early in the morning it is so cool and breezy. I love bringing out all my sweaters and scarves and coats. I love coats, times five. I wonder if that is somehow symbolic, my addiction to warm coats and sweaters. I love winter. I like the way your face gets so cold that it just feels clean, and I love how smooth your hair feels when it is freezing outside. I like that first second you come inside and it's so warm and it just feels amazing. I also like that first day when you walk outside and realize it's actually fall and you didn't really dress warm enough. So the whole day you are hurrying to get inside and just can't wait to get home and get in bed and then you have the best night's sleep of the whole entire year, just because your bed is warm. That day is awesome, and I can't wait for that day.

Ooooo and popcorn and apples are so good in winter. Not together. But oh man that just made me remember thanksgiving dinner. There is too much to look forward to right now!

Lindsey found cheap roundtrip tickets to Paris... I think we might go.


So, I am at home this weekend, and every time I come home I realize just how fantastic my puppy is. She is crazy. She thinks she can talk. She makes this little "coo" sound when she is playing with her squeaky toys (of which she is very picky... she only likes this one type of toy that can only be found at the dollar store.). She also does this thing where she just walks around carrying her little squeaky toy and then she'll see you and immediately roll over and just lay on her back and make a really sad face until you pay attention to her. Good grief, I want a dog for my Athens house SOOOOOOOOOO bad. Any dog. I would even take a chiuaua... (that is the most ridiculous word to spell ever in the history of the world...). If I weren't gone about 20 hours a day, I would so have a dog right now.

I'm so sleepy but I don't want it to be tomorrow. Saturdays are such sleepy days and I have so much to do tomorrow. Oh well, goodnight!! Back in Athens tomorrow...

And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me

Some goodnight Norah Jones for you....


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know those comments that are just completely random and are so annoying and stupid. the ones that just seem to ramble on about nothing for . . .
oh. I'm gonna be quiet now :P


11:47 AM  

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