Friday, August 27, 2004

I wonder when I stopped opening myself up to people? Hmm, I can think of a few key moments I suppose.

I realized that I have so much to protect within myself. But, I also have so much to give. I need to give more. I still believe that you receive what you give in life. I honestly believe that. I have to... otherwise my life means nothing. I have to give whatever I have in me... I wish I just knew what that was.

I can't find words tonight...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally understand how you feel. I tend to get stuck on the protecting what's inside and then freeze up when I start to go past that. I want to be able to give more, too, but it's hard sometimes. I think we should hang out more.
Love ya,
Ps~ thanks for your reply on my livejournal. it meant a lot.

10:27 PM  

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