Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I've found that I have some destructive behavior. I can identify it- destructive logic actually, but I don't know exactly how to change it. I know where I should be, and what I should be thinking. But coincidentally, the only way to cure this destructive behavior is to think before I feel... which somehow goes against my principles. I don't know what to do...


Blogger poetpete said...

Hmmm ... kinda wierd, aye... and probably something we all have and/or do.

Here's my 2 cents worth, feel free to ignore.

Could it be that your destructive logic is linked to your feelings. Maybe you feel before you act, even in anticipation, and your decision to do this or that comes about as an expression of those feelings, rather than your logic.
So I guess if you can get to the root cause of why you "felt" something at a certain time in the present, then maybe you can think through as to the very first time you felt that feeling. If so, you can possibly figure out your logic, if any, at that time, and understand why you did/do what you did/do. Maybe it gets back to some traumatic event which overwhelmed you sometime past.
Clear as mud?

Then again, maybe the logic is the problem. Could that be?

All the best.

6:45 AM  

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