Last night was quite possibly the best night EVER!!!!! The crew just rocked my face off!
Ok so John had to cheer Cortney up, then I went to go get ice cream. Then the action started. Cortney, Amy, Jessie, Doug, Rory, Kenneth, Phillip and Daniel all met at outback for dinner (even though I already ate AND had dessert... but you know me lol). Amy and I took silly pictures, and all she ever wanted was a spoon, bless her little heart. Then the outback people sang to cortney for her birthday. After that everyone headed over to Club 180 (cortney & amy's house) to play some Cranium. WOOO!!! Girls v. guys and WE WON!!! Rock out. Then everyone left and that's when it got crazy.
Earlier, at dinner, Rory came in and held up this black thong with "AXE" printed on it as an advertisement. *I would just like to commend the pure brilliance of whoever thought of that. Advertising on women's underwear and leaving them on cars. Woah* He had found it on his side-view mirror. So once everyone left, the girls and I were just sitting around and someone came up with the brilliant idea to put MORE underwear on rory's car. So we got one of Cortney's old ghetto pink sequined bras and wrote "YOU GOT BRA'D" on it and we drove to rory's place and put it on his car and took a picture of it on his car.
Then we got back, and apparently Cortney and Amy had some sort of prank revenge they had to take out on John and Nathan. That was our next project. They grabbed some plastic forks, Cortney gave me the camera, and we all headed down the street to John's house. I was kind of sceptical about taking pictures of the whole thing, because I thought they would see the flash. So Cortney, Amy, and Jessie start forking the yard and rolling the one little baby tree out front and I took two pictures. I was sort of over by Nathan's truck where no one could see me but I could still get pictures. All of the sudden I hear the front door and all three of them start running! Cortney and Amy ran over behind Nathan's truck where I was and Jessie ran the opposite way. I think Cortney even fell. Then BAM John was standing right over the three of us and I started laughing SOOOOOOOOO hard. It was classic. The look on his face was great. Then he got Nathan to come look and it was just soooo funny. Then john ran and got ice and started running after us but he had to go back to his house, lol. Oh man. So when we got back to cortney and amy's we turned on the sprinklers in an effort to deter any counter attacks. We kept hearing noises all night and it was freaking us out!! But I think the return attack is going to be more surprise than that. Those guys are way too devious and determined.
The fun doesn't end there, however. We got back to the house and we got on a random screen name and messaged rory. "Hello. I think you need to see this." Then we sent him the pic of his car after it had been "bra'd." Quickly we signed off. Five minutes later rory called me and it was SOOO hard not to laugh, and I did end up laughing a little bit, but somehow convinced him that I had no clue what was going on. I got on my screen name and the *other* screen name and finally he figured out it was us. His first guess was Amy the Canadian. Lol. Man, so so so funny. My throat is sore cause I laughed so much last night. And this morning is just the best feeling ever!! I love my girls and everyone I saw tonight!!! You guys make my life fabulous!!! And next year is going to be wonderful! :)
Well, I don't know what is in store for today, but if it is anything like yesterday, then I can't wait!! Love!!!!
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