Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Yes well, hello all, from the dark recesses of pre-finals paper-writing. I'm talking about 30 pages of papers here due by monday. It's cool though, 7 down, 23 to go.

I just saw Peter Cincotti (yeah!) on the late late show with Carson Daly (bleh...), and earlier i saw my boyz Maroon 5 on Leno. Maroon 5 is awesome, and Peter Cincotti can play some jazz. So in other words, it was a good night. Minus writing a huge paper.

I also had pizza for dinner. Yum.

So Lindsey came to see me and the roomies this weekend!! We had a blast. Something about going to walmart in fuzzy slippers makes things all better.

Speaking of fuzzy slippers, turns out cats like them. Who knew.

Hmmm, awesome things going on in my life right now, despite school. I am happier than I have been in a long time. :) I have everything I could ask for right now. God has blessed me more than I can say, and I am so thankful for all of those blessings.

Somehow, I am realizing more and more all the things I love about music. There was a long time when I though that I was in the wrong major, that I should be in other classes. I've realized that music is what I love, music will always challenge me, and music will be something I can love for the rest of my life. Whether I write it, or play it, or teach it, or write about it, I am learning that I had more love for it than I recognized. Realizing this is such a relief to me. I am finally feeling like I belong. And in more than just music... like my life is actually making a little bit of sense right now. It's nice to feel that way.

Goodnight all....


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