Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Crazy bad insomnia tonight. It is 4:30 AM as I write this and I have to get up in less than 4 hours. Maybe classes wont be full length tomorrow. In any case I don't feel well and I can't sleep. So, a survey, stolen of course from another online journal:

Full Name: Molly Beth Martin
Nicknames: Molly B, Monica, Momma (hahahhahahahhahahahhahahah.....hahahahaha)
Siblings: Sam
Siblings Nicknames: Sammy... ? Sorry sam...
Age: 20
Sex: female
Pets: most adorable puppy ever, Scarlett
Birthdate: Jan 20 1984
Birthstone: garnet
Astrological Sign: not sure... acquarius or capricorn... i think i am on the cusp...
Birthplace: ATL
Best friends: you know who you are

Favorites (everyone)

Color: blue, red
Day: fav day ever?? or of the week? fine then, thursday
Food: pasta and ice cream. mm... ice cream...
Word: cellar door... not really (anyone who gets that gets major points) um, i dont know
Animal: scarlett. most dogs. cats are cool too
Sport: haha. wooo i am so athletic. football is fun to watch
Subject: ever? english
Activity: watching movies, sleeping, listening to music, talking about random stuff, being spontaneous
Store: express, limited, urban outfitters... even though i never buy anything there
Song: John Mayer- Comfortable/Quiet/Body is a wonderland/Why Georgia; Debussy- Claire de Lune; Tchaikovsky- Symph. No.s 5&6, Usher- Yeah... haha
Singer: John Mayer, James Taylor, Ben Folds, Norah Jones
Band: Beatles (old school what), Lifehouse, a lot more...
Ice cream flavor: cake batter (coldstone creamery) or just plain vanilla with sprinkles
Body part: on other people? eyes, lips, hair, hands for some reason
Alchoholic Drink: not sure, dont drink, but definitely not tequila.
Time of day: night
Season: can never ever decide my favorite season. is that weird?? i want to have a favorite and have actually spent time trying to decide, but cant
Shampoo: recently, Dove... it smells good
Soap: Also Dove... still smells good and makes me soft
Scent of perfume: i wear Chic by Carolina Herrera.. but i am almost out. time for new?
Cartoon character: freakazoid. hah.
Movie: Moulin Rouge, Cruel Intentions, Beauty and the Beast, Gone with the Wind, pretty much any movie that doesnt make me want to go to sleep.
Person to talk to: my mom

This or That

Slushie or smoothie? duh slushie
Hot fudge or caramel? hmmm.... caramel
Day or night? night
Hair up or down? mine is always too short to go up, so down
Shorts, capris, flood pants, or long pants? equally: long pants or capris
Tank top, T-shirt, or long sleeves? tank
Sandals or tennis shoes? sandals...
Cat or dog? woof
Summer or winter? hello! scroll back up, lazy bum
Spring or fall? oh man they did not just ask that
Hot or cold? .. neither
Half full or half empty? depends on what i am thinking about
Pencil or pen? pen, but only black or red ink, preferably black and only certain types of black pens. I HATE blue ink. and green for that matter.
Lace or satin? for what??? satin feels better...
Silver or gold? silver
Diamond or pearl? hmmmm..... both are pretty
Bath or shower? man, buble bath, obviously
Sun or Rain? i happen to like the rain, good for naps and being scared and getting hugs... lol.... but sun is fun to drive around in cortney's car
North or south? dude.... what?
Snow or sleet? snow
Wet or dry? dry...
Piano or guitar? oh man, both both both!!!! my two fav's....
Music or sports? Music
Short or tall? everyone is tall to me
Walk or run? hah. walk.
Computer or tv? Computer, apparently
Couch or chair? couch
Black or white? white... i own too many black clothes... switching to white now
Talk or listen? need to listen more....
Fingers or toes? my toes have flowers on them right now so... toes
Straight or bent? uh... huh?
Up or down? whatever....

Right Now

Time: 4:54 AM.... i lose
Clothes: old navy pyjama pants and an oversized long sleeved tshirt. woah, too much sexy right there.
Hair Style: sleepy hair
Doing: survey cause i cant sleep
Makeup: clean face, no makeup
Nail Polish: pink toes with yellow flowers :)
Listening to: night time... no music right now, though Doctor Gradius (Debussy) is stuck in my head (i likeit though so its ok)
Eating: last ate a cinnamon toast crunch cerial bar a looooooooooong time ago
Drinking: last drank some Coca Cola
Thinking about: a lot, not very coherantly though cause it's almost 5 AM
Feeling: tired but not sleepy

In the Last 24 Hours...

Had a party? mmm nope
Gone shopping? no
Painted your toesies? no
Eaten a cookie? haha woah.... actually no
Pissed off your brother or sister? hope not, but its possible
Called a friend? yup
Talked online? yup
Had a brain fart? probably
Shaved? yeah
Fallen? hmmm...weird... no
Worn shoes? flip flops
Gone to the bathroom? no, i am a robot...
Blinked? uh....yeah
Taken a shower? yup, two times
Put on deodorant? YES... carrie would say i am obsessed with deodorant
Gotten high off of perfume? no, but did use some
Eaten at a restaurant? zaxby's
Flirted? lol
Played odd games? hmm yeah its called the "stay up way too late" game
Put on makeup? yeah
Gotten a tan? no not really
Put on a bathing suit? nope
Put on clothes? lol yeah
Closed your eyes? not enough
Thought? a lot
Brushed your teeth? also a lot
Brushed your hair? yup
Looked out the window? yeah
Sat in a garden? i want a garden :(
Screamed? no not really
Sat on the porch? i want a porch too

Friends & Life

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nah
Like anyone? sure
Who's your loudest friend? shelley (love you!!!), teti
What about the quietest? cortney, lindsey
Weirdest? hmm. could be me
Funniest? john, rory
Shyest? cortney, jessie
Who do you go to for advice? my mom, lindsey and laura
Who gives you the best advice? my mom, lindsey and laura
Who do you cry to? my mom, my girls, john, rory
Who do you dream about? been having weird dreams lately...
Who do you tell your dreams to? lol everyone cause they are usually really weird
Ever thought you were going to die? yeah a couple of times
Been hurt so bad that you felt like you could die? no not really
What's the best feeling? hmm, pillows and blankets, being with my family/friends, finishing a book, showers, sun, mmmm pillows and blankets again
How about the worst? being scared, butterflies touching me, feeling lonely, missing my mom

Have you ever...?

Been drunk? lol no
Blacked out? almost
Kissed someone? yeah
Made out? yeah
Caught fire? nope
Cried during a movie? uh yeah
Cried during a song? yeah
Been on stage? yup, love it
Cut your own hair? nope, i should learn though
Cut your siblings' hair? hehe no
Had an imaginary friend? i used to talk to my wash cloth in the bath tub when i was 4... does that count?
Stolen something? nah
Tried to kill yourself? nope
Wish you were someone else? not really

Do you believe in...

God? definitely
Yourself? yes of course
Your friends? yes
Santa? not for hannukah presents
Tooth Fairy? hmmm... sure why not
Angels? yes
Spirits? no
Ghosts? no not really but i like ghost stories
Monsters? no
Miracles? yes
Love at first sight? i won't believe it unless it happens to me, and it hasnt
Destiny? hmmm....
Faeries? lol no
Love? definitely
Aliens? no

man if you read all of that, i apologize. at least i am sleepy now. night...morning....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love at first sight? i won't believe it unless it happens to me, and it hasnt Do I need to walk by again? ~_^

3:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

lol too bad that apparently i am supposed to fall in love with anonymous??? thanks, anonymous...... anonymous, you rock.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Kyle said...

haha, anonymous was me. just didn't manage to notice the "post as: kyle" thing. whoops.

7:46 PM  

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